Singing Voice & Vocal Range FAQs

Correctly identifying your vocal range on your Spotlight profile

Spotlight provides two different ways to describe your singing voice on your performer CV.


Under skills, you will find a Music and Dance section,  with various descriptions of singing voices. You’ll find options for your voice type – bass, baritone, contralto, soprano and so on. You’ll also find skills listed for specialist singing techniques, including rock singing, jazz singing, a capella and yodelling, amongst many others!

Vocal Range

As well as classifying your voice type and specialist technique, you can provide your vocal range – the highest and lowest notes that you’re comfortable singing. Casting directors can search on these values to find performers who can hit the high or low notes required by a specific role, making it easier for them to match the right performers with the right parts.

Spotlight’s system uses the scientific pitch notation system, based on the 88 keys on a standard grand piano. If you’re not familiar with this system, the diagram below will show you how the options on our site correspond to the piano keyboard and to the most common voice types.

Experienced singers may also want to supply their ‘belt register’ – a specialist singing technique that may give you a different vocal range to your ordinary singing voice. The belt register is not included when casting directors search for a specific vocal range, but we’ve included it for performers who want to display this on their Spotlight performer CV.

Further information

We also have some handy advice on how to find your vocal range and voice type.