Open House London: Monday 9th April

Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This week-long series is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. Please book onto a max of 2 events to allow for as many Spotlight members to participate in these events.



Intro to Voice over Work Monday 9th April 10.00-12.00

Rachael Naylor is a very experienced voiceover artist and has been in the industry for over 17 years. She is also the founder of The VoiceOver Network. This will be a jam-packed 2-hour session where Rachael will share information on what it takes to be a successful voiceover artist and how to get work in this area of the acting industry.


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Life Coaching Discovery Session Monday 9th April 12.00-16.00

Sessions will run one-on-one with Bea Grist and will last an hour each. As a performer, you want to be successful in every aspect of your life, both professional and personal. Life coaching is a process which enables you to think and act more clearly in any area of your life which you feel lacks energy and direction, or which feels blocked or just plain ‘wrong’. Life coaching has been proven to help develop new positive neural networks, helping us to respond more calmly to stress, to make choices more confidently, and to access much more of our potential creativity.


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Character Voices for Animations and Video Games Monday 9th April 13.00-14.00

This will be a fun and interactive session. Dian is one of the top animation voice coaches in the UK. She will talk about the basics of building a voice character and how to bring them to life. If you work in or are interested in working in animations and/or video games this will be a great session for you.


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Home Studios Monday 9th April 13.00-14.00

Roger will talk about what you need for your home studio set up. Where to buy the equipment and how to make sure it sounds professional. Having a home studio as a voiceover artist means that the world is your oyster and you are able to not just audition from home but book work from home too.



Commercial and Corporate Voice Overs Monday 9th April 13.00-14.00

Commercials and Corporate Narrations make up a large portion of voiceover work. In this session, Rachael will talk about what is happening in these areas of our industry, how to book more work, where to find more work and more. Rachael works both in the UK and US markets so she will be able to share information on working across the pond too.


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Planning for voiceover success Monday 9th April 13.00-14.00

Anna will talk about what gets in many peoples way, blocks and how to remove them. What does success mean and look like, plus how to recognise it when you get there.


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Audio books Voice Overs Monday 9th April 13.00-14.00

This will be a session talking about what is happening in the audiobook world right now. Rachael works both for UK publishers and US publishers so she will share information on both markets. Included in this session will be what you need to be an audiobook narrator, where and how to book work. There will also be an opportunity to do some readings too.


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Facilitation Workshop - PappyShow's Kane Husbands Monday 9th April 15.00-18.00

This workshop is an introduction to facilitation. We will look at how we may begin the collaborative process of learning from each other and skills sharing. We will ask how we could create a safe environment to learn, play and find inspiration.


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Voiceover Industry Panel Monday 9th April 15.00-16.00

This will be a jam-packed panel talk with all the voiceover coaches from the day's workshops, run by Rachael Naylor, who will talk about what is happening in the industry as well as agents, getting work, home studios, marketing and more.