Open House London: Tuesday 10th April

Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This week-long series is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. Please book onto a max of 2 events to allow for as many Spotlight members to participate in these events.

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Introduction to Puppetry Tuesday 10th April 10.00-12.30

An introduction to bringing a puppet to life as an ensemble of puppeteers, inspired by the style of bunraku puppetry. Explore how to play intentions, emotions and character with the puppet through shared improvisation and specificity of breath and physical gesture.



War Horse Puppetry supported by The National Theatre Tuesday 10th April 12.00-15.00

Over this three hour session, participants will look at the puppetry and rehearsal techniques involved in creating War Horse. Exploring the horse gait, sound and reading body language, participants will come away having gained a deeper insight into this record-breaking production. This is a wonderful opportunity for actors to develop a sought-after skill, starting by manipulating objects individually, before working with others and looking at the techniques of manipulating one puppet together.


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Auditioning for Drama School Tuesday 10th April 12.00-15.00

Auditioning for Drama School can feel like a scary process. This workshop is designed to demystify auditioning and give you ownership in the audition room. This workshop will allow a small group to work with Joseph to improve their speeches and get feedback which they can take into their future drama school auditions. The session will finish with a Q&A session.



Working as an Ensemble Tuesday 10th April 13.00-15.00

How to channel your energy as an individual performer into improvising and creating as an ensemble, through movement, voice and character. Using games and exercises to develop trust, active listening, shared impulses and generosity, we will explore the power and playfulness of being in an ensemble, creating vivid and dynamic choruses full of life and spontaneity.


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Embracing Mistakes Tuesday 10th April 16.00-18.00

A workshop to explore the creative potential in allowing yourself to mess up. Using playful improvisation and clown-based exercises we will look at ways of allowing yourself to be seen, even when it all goes wrong, and to embrace the opportunity that creates for truthful connection with your audience and fellow performers.


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Devising Physical Theatre with Frantic Assembly Tuesday 10th April: 16.30-18.30

A Frantic Assembly workshop is primarily movement based and will focus on the skills and techniques used to devise physical theatre.


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Physical Theatre and Puppetry Industry Panel Discussion Tuesday 10th April 19.30-20.30

Puppetry and physical theatre are some of the most sought-after skills in today's industry, across tv, film and theatre. With developments in CGI, motion capturing and puppetry, actors with these skills are experiencing varied and exciting work opportunities. Join us as we host a panel discussion with industry professionals with a range of credentials such as the National Theatre's War Horse, and Complicité's The Master and Margarita.