Spotlight Boost: 12th March Workshops

Spotlight and Talent Systems are excited to launch a brand new series of workshops! Spotlight Boost, an event series by Talent Systems will be ticketed events that are open to all, including non-members, aimed at educating and training performers in all aspects of the ever-growing industry. These workshops will be a separate offering from our usual free open house events for current members.

This event is held in partnership with our Accessible Venue Partner Old Diorama. As part of Spotlight's commitment to making as many of our events as accessible as possible to all of our members, we have teamed up with Old Diorama to host all our in-person events and would like to thank them for their support.

Please find further details about Old Dioramas' accessibility here. If you have any further accessibility requirements please do let us know.

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Puppetry 09:15 – 14:45 GMT

An introduction to bringing a puppet to life as an ensemble of puppeteers, inspired by the style of bunraku puppetry. Explore how to play intentions, emotions and character with the puppet through shared improvisation and specificity of breath and physical gesture.


Laughing Older Lady

Working with Directors 09:15 – 11:15 GMT

How much preparation should an actor do before rehearsals? How brave can an actor be in the rehearsal room? What choices does a director expect the actor to make and are they allowed to make them? What happens when an actor and director disagree? This workshop looks at the relationship between the actor and director in the rehearsal room and beyond. It starts with how a director gets a play onstage in the first place, how the company is assembled and an exploration of the working relationships which are forged for performers both inside and outside the rehearsal room.


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How To Be An Actor When You're Not Acting 11:30 – 14:30 GMT

Being happy when you have a job is easy, but how do you stay happy when the work has dried up and the phone isn’t ringing? That to me is the hardest thing about being an actor. How do you stay motivated when the rejections come in week after week, month after month? How do you pay the bills? What to say when someone asks you that dreaded question - ‘So, what do you do for a living?’. I am going to share my experiences, my tools and the practical exercises that I have perfected over the last 12 years—and still use religiously today—to hopefully leave you feeling positive and ready to take on the world, even when you don’t have that job.
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Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 14:45 – 16:45 GMT

This workshop is an exploration of Shakespeare and early modern texts, looking at the differences between writers of the early modern period in relation to verse and prose speaking and discovering the many different ways in which heightened text can be lifted from the page to the stage in modern productions.
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Accent Introductions: General American 12:45 – 14:45 GMT

In this workshop, we look at the significant features of the standardised American sound all casting directors are looking for. Come prepared to try things out and learn the various ‘ways in’ to sounding authentically American.


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Accents in Monologue 09:15 – 16:45 GMT

Have you ever wanted feedback on an accent that's on your CV or voice reel, or just simply want to expand your accent casting? Come try out any accent in this performance-based workshop with accent coach Nina Zendejas. You simply bring: 1. A text of your choice, 2. A sample audio clip of the accent you are targeting and 3, We workshop! Don't worry about being perfect, there is no need to memorise. Treat it as a rehearsal, but strongly recommend being knowledgeable regarding the story/acting context in order to receive notes.