Spotlight Glasgow Events with the Tron Theatre

Spotlight to hold workshops on mental health and wellbeing in Glasgow

We're delighted to be presenting a workshop and one to one sessions focusing on psychological health in collaboration with the Tron Theatre in Glasgow. All sessions will be held with Dr. Jane Oakland.

Dr. Jane Oakland is an accredited BAPAM practitioner (British Association of Performing Arts Medicine) and has also been a professional opera singer for 35 years. Through her own experience of debilitating performance anxiety Jane became interested in the impact of stress on the careers of professional musicians.

Jane’s website provides a wealth of useful information on the psychology of performance, as well as articles she has contributed to Classical Music Magazine, the Incorporated Society of Musicians, and Help Musicians UK (formerly the Musicians Benevolent Fund).

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Thursday 25 October 11.00am - 1.00pm

Understanding Psychological Wellbeing in the Performing Arts
The importance of psychological wellbeing is a major discussion within the performing arts particularly for ‘front-line’ performers. However, there are many different layers to negotiate when putting on a production, from the playwright to the producer, the designer, the lighting and technical crew, all of whom work in a potentially stressful environment and all likely to experience similar psychological challenges in terms of lifestyle and stress management. Our discussion will centre around the psychological challenges faced by the theatre profession in general and explore ways in which stress can be managed successfully. Prior to the event, attendees will be invited to submit questions or areas (anonymously) that they would like to be covered in the session to [email protected].



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Thursday 25 October 2.00pm - 5.30pm

Dr. Jane Oakland: One to Ones
We know that sometimes life can be the hardest act of all and that many people in the performing arts will experience challenges with their mental health at some point in their lives. That's why Spotlight created ArtsMinds, with Equity, The Stage and BAPAM, to offer support for people who need it most and encourage people in the performing arts to talk more about the importance of getting support if you're in need. These private, 30-minute one-on-one sessions are a chance for you to speak to Dr Jane Oakland, who works with BAPAM. The session is completely confidential and held in a private space, it is an opportunity for you to discuss any challenges that you're currently facing for which you may require support. Email [email protected] to book a place