Spotlight Grad Open House Manchester

Grad Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This programme of events is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. Please book onto a max of 2 events to allow for as many Spotlight members to participate in these events.

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Saturday 2 February 11:00 – 12:00

Spotlight North Grads Open House: Making the most of your Spotlight Profile
Whether you're looking to be cast in local productions or looking for opportunities in London, Europe or in America, brand new to the industry or looking to take the next step in your acting career, this session will be useful for you. Spotlight's industry expert Emma Dyson will talk you through how best to use your Spotlight profile, and how you can make sure you're winning as much work as possible. Bring your enthusiasm and questions! If you would like the chance to have your profile reviewed please email your pin to [email protected]. Unfortunately, we will not be able to review all of the profiles and they will be chosen at random on the day.


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Saturday 26 January 11:00 – 16:00

Spotlight Grad Open House: Agent One to Ones
These 15 minute one to one sessions are aimed at those without current representation. Please only book on if you are currently unrepresented. During the session, you will have the chance to ask key questions to Bill Petrie about seeking the right representation for you. Sessions are short so please come prepared with questions.


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Saturday 2 February 13:00 – 14:30

Spotlight North Grads Open House: Self-tape Masterclass
More and more casting directors request self-tape auditions, but how can you stand out and give yourself the best chance of securing the role? Join Spotlight's Nicholas Peel, our resident camera expert, to learn how you can create the perfect self-tape.


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Saturday 2 February 11:30 – 14:30

Spotlight North Grads Open House: Audition Technique With Rick Laxton
In this session, Rick will share his insight into all aspects of the auditioning process, with hints and tips on how to make the most of the casting experience. There will be practical work with scripts on taking direction and notes.


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Saturday 2nd February 14:30 - 16:30

Spotlight North Grads Open House: From Student to Professional - Psychological Wellbeing for Actors
The transition from student to a professional actor can present a number of practical and psychological challenges for young actors in terms of wellbeing. This session will explore strategies to help negotiate this transition as smoothly as possible. Topics such as time management, managing the down times, a sense of self as an actor and where to go for support will be discussed in addition to ways in which stress can be successfully managed. Prior to the event, attendees will be invited to submit questions or topics (anonymously) that they would like to be covered in the session.