Spotlight Open House London: April 2019

Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This week-long series is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. 


Mon, 8 April 2019 10:00 - 13:00

Spotlight Open House: Auditioning for Theatre
About the Workshop: During this session, you will have the chance to work as a group with casting director Ruth O'Dowd CDG, on audition technique for theatre. Participants will have the chance to perform and watch others perform whilst receiving feedback and advice from Ruth on how to make the most of your time in the casting room. There will also be time at the end for any general questions.


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Mon, 8 April 2019 10:00 - 13:30

Spotlight Open House: Casting Director one-to-ones
These sessions are individually timed slots. Please only arrive for your time state on your ticket. During these 15-minute slots, you will have the chance to discuss your Spotlight profile and receive advice from a Casting Director. As time is short, please come prepared with questions and areas you wish to discuss with your Casting Director.


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Mon, 8 April 2019 10:30 - 13:00

Spotlight Open House: Audition Technique - Commercial
In this relaxed workshop, we will take a whistle-stop tour through the casting process for UK commercial projects. The aim is to demystify the process as much as possible in order for actors to be confident and calm in these often challenging situations. We will experiment with commercial scripts from the sublime to the ridiculous and will take you through the process from the casting director receiving a brief right through to the often exasperating ‘pencilling’ system. There will be time for Q&A at the end of the session.



Mon, 8 April 2019 12:00 - 17:30

Spotlight Open House: Casting Director one-to-ones
These sessions are individually timed slots. Please only arrive for your time state on your ticket. During these 15-minute slots, you will have the chance to discuss your Spotlight profile and receive advice from a Casting Director. As time is short, please come prepared with questions and areas you wish to discuss with your Casting Director.


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Mon, 8 April 2019 13:30 - 14:30

Spotlight Open House: Meisner Technique Acting Workshop
The Meisner Approach: one of the most popular and fastest growing single acting approaches in the UK. Want to find out why? This three-hour class will include an overview of the approach and how it relates to other modern acting systems. Actors will engage in observation exercises and get a taste of Meisner's famous 'Repetition Exercise' as well as some of the various improvisations it can give birth to. Students can, if they wish, also bring a piece of text they are working on to experience how versions of the exercise can become immediately helpful on scripted work. Decide for yourself if it's the approach for you.


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Mon, 8 April 2019 18:30 – 19:30

Spotlight Open House: Casting Director, Agent and Performer - Theatre
During this panel discussion, we will look at the relationship between casting director, agent and performer with a focus on theatre. The discussion will focus on the dos and don'ts for auditions, how to make the most of your time in the audition room and give you the chance to ask any burning questions you may have.
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Mon, 8 April 2019 13:30 - 16:30

Spotlight Open House: Wellbeing drop-in
These sessions are individually timed slots. Please only arrive for your time state on your ticket. Sessions are short so please come prepared with questions.


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Tue, 9 April 2019 10:00 – 11:30

Spotlight Open House: Self-tape Masterclass
More and more casting directors request self-tape auditions, but how can you stand out and give yourself the best chance of securing the role? Join Spotlight's Nicholas Peel, our resident camera expert, to learn how you can create the perfect self-tape.
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Tue, 9 April 2019 11:00 – 14:00

Spotlight Open House: Writing for Performance
Want to write but struggle with motivation? In this workshop, we’ll tackle how to develop a regular writing practice, manage self-doubt and write more in less time. We'll examine what stops us writing and how to overcome these creative blocks We'll also analyse how to develop memorable dialogue and create believable characters with compelling story arcs by examining various extracts from plays and prose.
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Tue, 9 April 2019 12:00 – 14:00

Spotlight Open House: Equity Know your Rights/Freelance Life
It’s important to be treated with dignity and respect as a performer. Learn about your rights with Equity – your trade union. Find out about tackling low and no pay, overtime, holiday pay, breaks, and much more. You’ll also learn how to get to grips with contracts and agreements – and how to change things if they don’t seem right.

Tue, 9 April 2019 14:30 – 17:30

Spotlight Open House: Voice-into-Text
Combining playful exploration and professional craft, this workshop is an opportunity for you to refresh your toolkit of Voice exercises, exploring the body, breath and sound. The first goal is to open up your most colourful and authentic voice together in solo and group exercises. We will then apply it to the expression of heightened languages, such as poetry and classical text.
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Tue, 9 Apr 2019, 14:30 Wed, 10 Apr 2019, 16:15

Spotlight Open House: Life Coaching Discovery Session
These sessions are aimed at members who want to reconnect with their spark and/or purpose or those who are returning to the industry after a period away. Sessions will run one-to-one with Bea Grist and will last 45 minutes each. These can take place in person, over the phone or via skype/zoom.
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Tue, 9 April 2019 16:00 – 17:30

Spotlight Open House: Dance Technique (Flexibility and Strength)
Ellie’s class will focus on the basic positions in jazz and ballet, taking the class through a gentle but thorough warm-up, a good stretch and then some typical positions, shapes and steps found in jazz, the terms used to describe them and examples of how steps are linked together to make a ‘combination’. It can serve as a top-up for those who already have some dance experience and a fun taster for those who haven’t – all welcome!
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Tue, 9 April 2019 18:30 – 20:30

Spotlight Open House: Musical Theatre Audition Technique
During this workshop, you will get the chance to work with Casting Director David Grindrod and a pianist. There will be a chance for some participants to perform and receive feedback from David. Although not everyone will be able to perform, the feedback and advice given will be beneficial for all involved.
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Wed, 10 April 2019 10:00 – 12:00

Spotlight Open House: Dialect Coach - Character voice
As actors, we are asked to transform into and embody a character. Although the voice is often a natural extension of our acting work, there are times when we will need to safely and practically manipulate our voice for fully transformational work. If you have ever wanted to expand your vocal range and versatility, or create new voices, this practical workshop on Character Voice is for you! Nina will lead you through a practical workshop intended to enhance your listening, analysis and creation skills. Using a signature method developed specifically for performers, you will unlock the potential to replicate and create countless voices for extremes such as cartoons, voiceovers, video games, and puppetry, as well as more subtle varieties for intended for the stage, screen, and showreel. What will we cover? Vocal agility warm-up to exercise speech muscles. Articulatory anatomy to enhance the versatility of sounds Sound placement/resonant focus Vocal qualities Script and improvisation play to test and build confidence.
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Wed, 10 April 2019 10:00 – 13:00

Spotlight Open House: Auditioning for TV/Film
During this session, you will have the chance to work with casting director Carol Dudley CDG, on audition technique for TV. Participants will have the chance to perform and watch others perform whilst receiving feedback and advice from Carol on how to make the most of your time in the casting room. There will also be time at the end for any general questions.

Wed, 10 April 2019 12:30 – 14:30

Spotlight Open House: A Brief Introduction to Viewpoints
Viewpoints is an improvisation tool for actors formulated by Anne Bogart based on choreographer and Mary Overlie’s articulation of how the performer engages with time and space. The Viewpoints nurture complicity within the ensemble, engendering a playful approach to making work. The Viewpoints are techniques towards a philosophy that places an emphasis on ensemble and collaboration. The workshop will cover: • Non-verbal improvisations to develop complicity and engender uncensored spontaneity • Games to unlock the ethos of Viewpoints
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Wed, 10 April 2019 15:00 – 17:00

Spotlight Open House: Chubbuck Technique
During this workshop, you will have the chance to work with qualified Chubbuck Technique teacher Patrick Regis. You will start by working through the basics of the technique and what it entails. A few will then be selected to work through some scenes that will have been sent to you a week before the workshop takes place. There will be time at the end of the session for questions.
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Wed, 10 April 2019 14:30 – 16:30

Spotlight Open House: Acting for Camera 14-18 years old
We will work on different scenes in short spaces of time and do mock auditions in pairs or individuals. We will play a few drama games and have a Q&A.
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Wed, 10 April 2019 15:30 – 18:30 15:30 – 18:30

Spotlight Open House: Creating Three Dimensional Relationships
This workshop will be an active interrogation of the actor’s process. Through improvisation and text work, Director Ned Bennett (Equus, An Octoroon, Pomona) will look at techniques that promote an imaginative and open response to a scene. It will examine specific acting exercises that promote dexterity and spontaneity with language and action. This workshop will suit anyone interested in experiencing both a collaborative process and developing an independent practice.
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Wed, 10 April 2019 18:00 – 21:00

Spotlight Open House: An Introduction to Video Game Voice
The video game world is a very exciting part of the entertainment industry. It is growing incredibly quickly right now and voice actors are in high demand. Video games are about so much more than shoot em ups now. They are more like movies, with well-rounded characters, fantastic stories, great scripts and amazing soundtracks. Rachael is very passionate about the video game industry and she would like to share information with you as well as be on hand to answer any questions you have. In this workshop, Rachael will talk about what is happening in video games right now as well as how to get into them. She will talk through the differences in this type of acting compared to stage and films. This will be informative as well as a very interactive workshop. Rachael will get you all working on video game scripts. You will come away from this workshop inspired, informed and entertained. Rachael Naylor is a voice actor, founder of The VoiceOver Network, editor if The Buzz Magazine, host of The Voiceover hour, Organiser of GET YOUR GAME ON video game event, international speaker and award-winning entrepreneur. Video game credits include Farrow in Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden and Alarielle the ever queen in Total War Warhammer - The Queen and The Crone.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 09:00 – 11:00

Spotlight Open House: Shakespeare and Early Modern Texts
During this workshop, you will have the chance to work with theatre director Michael Oakley on performing Shakespeare. The workshop will be an exploration of Shakespeare and early modern texts, looking at the differences between writers of that period in relation to verse and prose speaking and discovering how heightened text can be lifted from the page to the stage.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 09:30 – 11:30

Spotlight Open House: War Horse Puppetry supported by The National Theatre
Delivered by Joseph Richardson Supported by The National Theatre Over this three hour session, participants will look at the puppetry and rehearsal techniques involved in creating War Horse. Exploring the horse gait, sound and reading body language, participants will come away having gained a deeper insight into this record-breaking production. This is a wonderful opportunity for actors to develop a sought-after skill, starting by manipulating objects individually, before working with others and looking at the techniques of manipulating one puppet together. Having been in the cast of the UK, Ireland and South Africa Tour of War Horse, Joseph runs workshops on the puppetry in the production for the National Theatre Learning Department.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 10:00 – 13:00

Spotlight Open House: Alexander Technique for Actors
The Alexander Technique helps to reduce unnecessary muscular tension acquired by the habitual movements of everyday activities, which can affect our daily lives and performance. The course content: • Awareness of basic postural habits in daily life: sitting, talking, walking • Improve poise, physical wellbeing, performance and stamina • The general increase of anatomical awareness through practical movement exercises • The release of tension in the muscles including neck and shoulders • Heightened sensitivity to the physical responses of others.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 11:30 – 14:30

Spotlight Open House: Audition Technique with a Casting Director
In this practical workshop, Lizzie will work on prepared sides, which will be sent out to the actors shortly before the workshop. The sides will be from television series or feature films that Lizzie has worked on. Each actor will have the opportunity to perform their scene twice to the camera, with direction and feedback from Lizzie. Idents will also be covered. All actors will stay in the room for the duration of the workshop to watch each other's auditions. At the end of the session, there will be a short Q and A, where actors can ask any questions they like ie how actors can effectively connect with casting directors, what casting directors are looking for from actors, etc. Each actor will receive a copy of their filmed audition, enabling them to compare their takes more objectively.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 12:00 – 14:00

Spotlight Open House: Sight Reading
Taking the fear out of cold reading. We will explore the ways to get the most from a script presented at the time of the audition or casting. Breathing, making character choices, taking your eyes off the page and just being brave. With solo speeches, duologues and a variety of scripts. Auditions are tough so let’s make them an enjoyable experience.

Thu, 11 April 2019 13:30 – 16:30

Spotlight Open House: Dialect Coach - American Accent Workshop
A convincing American accent is a crucial component to an actor's toolbox. Whether you are auditioning for an American role or wish to confidently expand the accents listed on your CV, this workshop is for you. Nina Zendejas, a USA native, will lead you through the foundations of the top requested American accent for stage and screen, exploring the obvious and not-so-obvious components to sounding 'native'. Borrowing from such methods developed by Jan Haydn Rowles and Edda Sharpe (How to Do Accents), as well as Knight-Thompson Speechwork (Experiencing Speech), this course will allow you to increase vocal and articulatory agility as well as authentically embody American sounds for audition and performance.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 14:00 – 16:30

Spotlight Open House: TV Comedy with Dominic Coleman
In this workshop, you will work with comedy actor Dominic Coleman. In pairs, you will rehearse scripts from TV comedies and perform to the group. You will receive direction and feedback from Dominic and have the chance to put it into action.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 14:30 – 17:30

Spotlight Open House: Producing your own work
The workshop is your chance to get an overview of how a busy independent producing company such as ARIA ENTERTAINMENT works; From setting up the company back in 2012 to choosing work, artistic talent, casting, creating a budget, fundraising and how to market a show. The first hour and a half will feature company director Katy Lipson talking about her experiences to date across 50 productions ranging from shows on the fringe to commercial UK Tours and small musicals in the West End. The second hour and a half will be your chance to ask questions. The workshop is aimed at producers and artists keen to explore more about producing, or who are considering self-producing.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 15:30 – 17:00

Spotlight Open House: Tax for Performers
This talk will cover the main points to remember on tax for performers including how and when to register with HMRC, keeping a record of expenses and what pitfalls to avoid. Plus some information on national insurance and welfare benefits. Alan Lean, Tax and Welfare Rights Officer at Equity, experienced tax and benefits adviser will lead this session.
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Thu, 11 April 2019 17:00 – 20:00

Spotlight Open House: Mask and Physical Character
More than just a mask workshop, this will be a three-hour roadmap of ideas toward physical character work and discovery. Delve into the various ways actors can explore character behaviour through physical centres, status, movement dynamics, animal movement and physical impediment. Through neutral mask and stock characters from Commedia del Arte, explore how mask work can give the actor greater permission for big behaviour and exploration. Actors, if they wish, are also encouraged to bring text for existing characters that they are currently working on. Step outside your physical box!
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Thu, 11 April 2019 18:00 – 19:00

Spotlight Open House: Casting Director, Agent and Performer - TV
During this panel discussion, we will look at the relationship between casting director, agent and performer with a focus on TV. The discussion will focus on the dos and don'ts for auditions, how to make the most of your time in the audition room and give you the chance to ask any burning questions you may have.
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Fri, 12 April 2019 15:00 – 18:00

Spotlight Open House: The Actor as a Storyteller
Storytelling is the key to great Acting. Whether on Stage, on TV or in Film and Radio, the actor must find the heartbeat of the story, connect to it, and make unique choices that support both the story and their talent as an artist. A creative and fun storytelling workshop that explores how to make dynamic choices that allow you to fuel both the story and you authenticity as an artist.