Spotlight Open House London: Monday 6th November

Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This week-long series is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. Please book onto a max of 2 events to allow for as many Spotlight members to participate in these events.

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Mon 6 November 11:30 – 13:30

Lecoq Workshop
Not sure where to start with a story you want to tell? Looking for other ways to devise work? We will explore Lecoq’s techniques in how an actor prepares their body, voice, works collaboratively, uses their imagination and how we can apply this when we are making our own work. No knowledge of Lecoq’s techniques necessary – get ready to play!

Mon 6 November 13:00 – 16:00

One-to-ones with psychologist Carol Chapman
We know that sometimes life can be the hardest act of all and that many people in the performing arts will experience challenges with their mental health at some point in their lives. That's why Spotlight created ArtsMinds, with Equity, The Stage and BAPAM, to offer support for people who need it most and encourage people in the performing arts to talk more about the importance of getting support if you're in need. These private, 30-minute one-on-one sessions are a chance for you to speak to counselling psychologist Dr Carol Chapman, who works with BAPAM. The session is completely confidential and an opportunity for you to discuss any challenges that you're currently facing for which you may require support. There is no charge for these sessions.
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Mon 6 November 14:00 – 17:00

Voice Coach Workshop - Handling Nerves
Dry mouth? Tight voice? Feel ill? Can’t think as clearly? Feel the pressure? We all have ‘nerves’ – the trick is not to let ‘nerves’ have YOU. Regardless of track record and experience, once that “trigger” goes and the adrenalin starts pumping, the pressure is on. If you want to know how to work with them and not be thrown by them, this short practical workshop will give you several different strategies for dealing with “nerves”. Looking at breathing techniques and vocal exercises, vocal coach Yvonne Morley will train participants how to speak clearly under pressure, release tension patterns, reduce vocal shaking and how to read from cold with confidence.

Mon 6 November 14:30 – 17:00

Getting Started with Puppetry
An introduction to bringing a puppet to life as an ensemble of puppeteers, inspired by the style of bunraku puppetry. Explore how to play intentions, emotions and character with the puppet through shared improvisation and specificity of breath and physical gesture.
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Mon 6 November 18:30 – 20:00

Refresh and Reboot - A Q&A for Experienced Actors
Book Now
Join a panel discussion with Spotlight's Holly and leading casting directors, looking at the current industry, and how to revitalise your acting career. Aimed at those having worked in the industry for ten years plus, this discussion will aim to give you advice and direction on how to further your career. Do submit your questions to [email protected] once you have booked your place, and we'll aim to answer as many as we can on the day.