Spotlight Open House London: Tuesday 7th November

Open house is back! With a fantastic mix of workshops, one-to-ones and panel discussions. This week-long series is your opportunity to continue to develop your skills, expand your network and progress your career. 

All events are free for current Spotlight members. Please book onto a max of 2 events to allow for as many Spotlight members to participate in these events.


Tue 7 November 16:30 – 18:00

An Agent Q&A for New Actors
Bhumi Ambasna from The Artists Partnership and Emily Noke from RKA talent will join Spotlight's Vlach to host a Q&A for those new to Spotlight and the industry. They will be on hand to answer those all important questions about inviting agents to your work, networking, what they look for in your Spotlight profile and more. Do submit your questions to [email protected] once you have booked your place, and we'll aim to answer as many as we can on the day.
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Tue 7 November 18:30 – 20:00

Welcome Evening
Welcoming our new members to the home of casting, you'll have the opportunity to chat to the Spotlight team about any career queries, and how to get the most from your Spotlight membership. We'll also have designated team members on hand to discuss essential tips, such as how to nail a self-taped audition, and the top tips you need to perfect your headshot.