How to Take a Show to the Edinburgh Fringe
Artistic Directors of Traverse, Paines Plough, Pleasance and Assembly talk to Spotlight about what you need to have a successful show at the Edinburgh Fringe
Really know why you are coming to Edinburgh.
Authenticity is palpable.
Anthony Alderson of Pleasance, William Burdett-Coutts of Assembly, Orla O'Loughlin, formerly of Traverse, James Grieve formerly of Paines Plough and performer Mark Thomas all talk through their top tips for taking a show to the Edinburgh Fringe. If you're thinking of making it happen for next year's Fringe, it's time to get cracking - and here's the insider info on what you need to make your time in Auld Reekie the best it can be!
*Filmed in 2019
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