Share your Edinburgh Fringe piece online!

With the Covid-19 pandemic, many amazing shows and events have been cancelled, with many Spotlight members missing out on the chance to showcase their amazing work. Were you supposed to be performing at Edinburgh Fringe this year? Well we want to hear from YOU!

How to get involved:

Send us short clip of your show, no more than 60 seconds long, we suggest creating your scenes on Tik-Tok or iMovie, but single-take scenes on your smartphones will be just fine! If filming with others, please ensure that you stick to current government safety guidelines and get the permission of anyone appearing in your video. Please also ensure that your content doesn’t break the law or violate the T&C’s of the apps you may be using.

Send your brilliant piece plus your Spotlight pin and social handle (so we can tag you) to [email protected] before Monday 24th August and we'll try to promote you and your work throughout the duration of next week through our social media channels.

So what are you waiting for? Get them in now!