Spotlight’s Digital Self-Tape Casting Service

We're thrilled to be offering our casting subscribers access to remote self-tape casting services. 

How does it work? 

It's simple!

  • We provide you with a self-tape submission link.
  • You pass this link on to any performers you want to see for your casting.
  • This link opens up a headsheet and Artist's Declaration form that they fill out (via web or smartphone), and also prompts them to upload their self-tape files.
  • The upload of the forms and their footage is pinged into a folder on our end.
  • We take the video file and upload it to our bespoke casting website.
  • Once all the footage is uploaded, we'll send you a new link to your casting website where you can both view and download all the self-tape submissions.

What are the conditions?

  • All performers must submit their self-tapes using the online form that we provide. We will not accept any footage sent via email, WeTransfer, Tagmin, Vimeo or other file sharing platforms. 
  • Please note that ALL submitted video footage must be filmed in landscape - this includes idents! Any footage filmed in portrait will not be uploaded. 

What does the bespoke casting website look like?

Take a look here: 

How much does it cost?

The cost is dependent on the number of submissions you accept for each casting:

  • £7 + VAT per performer for the first 20 performers
  • £6 + VAT per performer for next 20 performers
  • £5 + VAT per performer thereafter 


You can book easily by calling Spotlight on 020 7437 7631 or emailing [email protected]