5 Tips for Success as a Young Performer with Scream Management  

Scream Management's insight into making your way as a young performer

Jaymie and Jess from Scream Management are Manchester-based agents, especially knowledgeable on working with children and young performers. At our recent Liverpool Open House, they shared some of their top tips for succeeding as a young performer.

1. Playing age is extra important

Playing younger is a particularly valuable quality when you’re a young performer. Having the maturity of a 12-year-old but being able to play 9 or 10 is a great quality to have – it can be a big advantage for you as a performer! Additionally, if you are over 16 i.e. if you do not require a chaperone but can play a younger part, it is much easier for the casting director to take you on over someone younger, requiring a licence – a very valuable quality for a young performer looking to get into the business of performing. If this is you, maximise your youthful casting opportunities!

2. Work on your relationship with your agent

It’s important to have an honest relationship with your agent – and vice versa. You should be able to chat to your agent about your career – getting involved can really aid the transition from young performer to adult performer, in particular. For instance, if you’re wondering what roles you’re being submitted for, it’s okay to ask! You should have an open relationship with your agent, and keep yourself informed of what is going on behind the scenes. If you’re looking to make a change in the types of roles you’re after, it’s something to discuss with your agent as well. Keep the dialogue going in a professional and positive way.

3. Amateur theatre is only useful for getting an agent – don’t include it for jobs!

Whilst it is great to list all of your experience when you’re out hunting for an agent, Jaymie and Jess think it’s best not to include amateur theatre if you’re up for a part. While this will definitely help in the search for representation, it’s important to only include the most professional experience that you have for jobs themselves. Be thoughtful about what you include, and once you do have an agent, follow their advice on what is appropriate to include in your CV.

4. Make the most of unusual and polished skills

If you know how to play instruments of any kind, or certain sports, and are willing to keep the skills fresh and ready, it is definitely worth listing these on your CV. Whether it is dancing, singing, certain accents, or more, keep specific and interesting skills sharp and it may just get you a job. Be careful not to list too many skills on your CV though! After all, you do actually have to be able to do them, so only list things at which you are reasonably proficient. Remove anything that isn’t up to date – keep the most important skills sharp and ready to go whenever you might need them.

5. Always keep learning – be proactive!

There’s never a reason to stop working on your craft if you’re serious about it! Workshops, classes, and any other opportunity to practice and hone your skills will help to keep things fresh, active and progressing. By being proactive and seeking out opportunities to improve, you demonstrate your dedication to the profession and keep up the energy to pursue what can be a very varied path. Give yourself opportunities to engage with the industry and your peers, at any age.


Scream management specialise in finding Children & Young Performers, Extras and Voice talent. Check out their site for more.