How to Get Started in Puppetry

Complicité teacher Josie Daxter discusses how she got into being a puppeteer, and what you can get expect at a puppetry audition 

Josie Daxter trained at Ecole Philippe Gaulier, Ecole Jacques Lecoq and East 15. She is the revival director of Simon McBurney's 'The Magic Flute' and 'A Dog's Heart', and Assistant Director of 'A Rake's Progress'. As an actor, Josie performed in Complicité's 'The Master and Margarita' and 'A Dog’s Heart'. 

Josie regularly teaches for Complicité, Blind Summit Theatre, National Youth Theatre, Old Vic Theatre and Ambassadors Theatre Group. Listen to Josie's view on how you too can have a great career in puppetry and how to approach auditions in this area: